Universidad Simón Bolívar (Colombia)
Cúcuta, Colombia
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Intl. students

Universidad Simón Bolívar is a non-profit higher education institution dedicated to comprehensive training, the development of research and innovation, which, articulated with the Government, the productive sector and the community in general, responds to the commitment with the development of the social, political, cultural and economic environment. It was founded in 1972 and is considered one of the most prestigious universities in Colombia, after the Ministry of National Education awarded it a high quality accreditation in 2016. It is also considered one of the Universities with the greatest social impact worldwide.

The University has five faculties from which 29 undergraduate academic programs are offered (26 professionals, 1 technological and 2 technical) and 52 graduate programs (5 doctorates, 20 masters, 8 medical and surgical specializations, 19 university specializations and 1 technological specialization). In order to support the academic processes, the Institution has 871 Full Time Equivalent professors (TCE for its acronym in Spanish).

The University has a consolidated research and innovation system, out of which 3 research centers are part:

  • Corporate Growth Center (MacondoLab)
  • Life Sciences Research Center (CICV)
  • José Consuegra Higgins Social Innovation and Research Center (CIISO)


44 research groups recognized by the Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation-COLCIENCIAS, of which 33 (75%) are ranked at a high level: A1 and A.

209 researchers recognized by Colciencias: 5 Emeritus, 24 Senior, 110 Associates, 70 Junior

In addition, it has strategic alliances with government entities, the productive sector, NGO´s and the society in general, for the development of activities and joint projects aimed at social development.

The University´s strategic planning is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals declared by the United Nations.

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